Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Night TV Viewing Dilemma

I am torn. There are four shows that I love to watch all pretty much at the same time. First I have my new most favorite, The Big Bang Theory on CBS at 8PM, this show is hilarious to say the least, if you have not seen it, I totally recommend that you do. Then on ABC we have The Bachelor also at 8PM. You would think, what is your problem, just record one and watch the other. Well, that would be all well and good, except…then we have House and 24 both on FOX, starting at 8PM…what am I ever going to do?? How do I decide?

To top it all off, I have been having major problems with my cable set top box. First, the DVR quit working, so I took it to the “Cable Store” and exchanged it…easy peasy..right? Wrong. Hooked it up, and not only would the DVR not work, there was no sound. This time I called TW and went through technical support, which yielded another :we will either have to schedule a technician to come out or you can go back to the store and exchange the box. So I opted to exchange the box, I mean let’s be serious…American Idol Premiere was coming on that night, and I wasn’t going to miss it. So I got back home and hooked it up and this time the only thing that wasn’t working was the guide. But I could go to So we were set for now, I would worry about the guide later. Mind you I did this all while sporting a nasty nasty sinus infection/cold-hell-like symptoms, and after sitting at Urgent Care for hours. But I would watch American Idol dangit! And watch it I did. So Saturday, still sick as a dawg, I trudged back to the cable store to exchange it yet again. They happily did so. I get it home, and it won’t even power on!!! NOT kidding. So I took it back, and they said that they would exchange it, but that they want to send a technician out to check to make sure everything is OK, and asked “when will someone be home on Wednesday?” I was like, “well, I will but not till after 6pm”…to which she gave me a dirty look. So the “repairman” is coming out on Saturday between 10 and 12. On the new box, the guide and pay-per-view doesn’t work. The DVR works, but you have to be on the channel to record, you can switch channels, but you cannot pre-set any recordings. Bummer.

So back to my dilemma. What do I record? Do I just forget about the 30 minute wonder that is Big Bang? Or do I sacrifice my Bachelor or House for that half an hour? Which means I would have to be remembering to switch channels and everything. I think it’s too much for my brain at this moment. My head is still foggy from being so sick, and my head is still hurting. I think Big Bang will have to wait, they will show re-runs…right??

I am planning on blogging about American Idol…but when it gets to real competition. Right now I am liking “Anoop Dawg”, Asa - the Band Director, and the guy whose wife had just passed away, and the girl that went on last. I am really liking the new dynamics of the judges. Keep watching, I am sure Ryan will top this:

Ryan - High-fiveing the blind contestant… nuff said...


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