Welcome to my new home on this thing we call the world-wide-web. I hope you like it.
Well, I think (I hope) that Mac is going to be OK, he seems to be a little more stable today. I do think that there is a little problem with him wanting to go to sleep, but we shall see. Mac's friend Punkin advised him to stay on a flat solid surface, and we are trying that.
Other things are going on, but I just have too much rattling around in my noggin to again put down a cohesive post. I do go back to the Endocrinologist and Rheumatologist tomorrow. I will let you know what comes of that. I still have the rash and for the past few days it has felt like it is on fire and it's driving me crazy nuts! I really pray they can do something.
I hate to pry, but about that rash....have you been on any sulfa based antibiotics of late? I had an issue like this last summer and thought my skin was going to BURN OFF!