I am a little bit depressed today because my MacBook won’t turn on. Oh it did turn on, and kept rebooting like 10 or fifty times and now just won’t turn on at all. And I am praying that it is something so simple that will take to fix it, because I have a whole list of things that are a NEED that I need to do, like, say… get my clutch fixed on my lovely car and even though I LOVE my Mac, (and creating huge run-on sentences)…paying for repair of it is not necessarily a need since I do have a backup of sorts…I’m guessing…
But hey, I did really like this great post on Red Letter Believers blog.
That’s all I got today…
I hope and pray t hat it is an easy fix. How old is your Mac? Can the guys at your work take a look at it for you? I hope that it is something simple!