I chose the name Random Access, because I am kind of known for being completely random, and just thought it fitting :) I am very sure that this blog will reflect that characteristic of mine quite well.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Check this out...awesome...
The Waiting is the Hardest Part of Waiting
I'm...Back...I think...
It seems as if it has been forever since I have written anything. So much has changed since my last post. And I am busy compiling all my the events and thoughts in my head so I can post. I may break it up in to categories...hmmmm...I dunno...we shall see.
I just wanted to let you know, if you are still out there, that I am still around, just been rather busy with some things. But I am still here.
Take care...see you REAL soon, I promise!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Desires of My Heart
As far back as I can remember, I have wanted to get married and have a family. In the past two or three years, that desire has increased, I am not sure if it is my age, God urging me, or what, but I yearn for the companionship that only a marriage can provide. Marriage is a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. We live in a broken world, no, we live in a shattered world, full of shattered marriages, homes, families, friendships and hearts...just plain shattered. As a follower of Christ I know that the only way all these things can be mended, is through the love of Jesus Christ. I also know that I cannot help spread the news of His tremendous love unless I, myself accept it and LIVE it daily. I have accepted it, over 20 years ago. I strive to live it daily.
But let's go back to my original point, getting married. I have an innate desire to be a wife, but not simply a wife...but a Godly wife. I have a desire to have a Godly man as my husband. A man after God's heart. One who will love and care for me like Jesus loves the church. The following verse is often a "mantra" for "church-going" singles ~ it is found in Psalms 37: 4 ~ Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Does it end there? Is all I have to do is delight myself in the the Lord? Really...? That seems pretty simple, doesn't it...I think some of us would be tempted to scream "I'm delighted in you Lord...I am delighted!..now where is my mate??"
But wait just a moment...there is more to Psalms 37 than just that. I believe the key is the fulfillment of our being delighted in the Lord. The word delighted is being used as a verb here...its an action that we must take. It is our part to play. It's up to God how and when He will then grant us those desires. The Psalmist tells us what our part should look like:
Vs. 3 : Trust in the LORD and do good;
Vs. 5 : Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this;
Vs. 6: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,the justice of your cause like the noonday sun;
Vs. 7a: Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him.
There are things we must do to be granted the desires of our hearts. We must trust in the Lord and live Godly lives, we must commit our ways to the lord and trust fully in him, we must be still before the Lord and wait patiently for his timing, otherwise we risk ending up with broken shattered lives. Some of us may have already. We must also remember that His ways are not ours, sometimes that's a tough pill to swallow, because we tend to want to do things our way.
However, I believe that there is hope: if we strive to live a pure Godly life, the closer we grow to God and spend time reading and meditating His Word - and walking in His ways, the more our desires will conform to His will for our lives. As our desires are aligned with His will - as opposed to our own worldly and sinful inclinations - the more we will see our desires fulfilled.
But it's not just what we do that matters, but also what we don't do:
Vs.1: Do not fret because of evil men; or be envious of those who do wrong;
Vs. 7b Do not fret when men succeed in their ways,when they carry out their wicked schemes;
Vs. 8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;do not fret — it leads only to evil.
We need to be continually be praying against our tendency to look longingly on the world's way of getting our needs met. If we desire marriage but have an idea in our mind that it's primarily about finally being sexually satisfied and never being lonely, having someone to do things for us, then we are setting ourselves for major disappointment.
There's so much misinformation floating around about what marriage really is that , that the majority of couples marry with unrealistic or warped expectations, and the hope of "lasting" instant gratification. The main purpose of marriage isn't companionship, romance, or even sex, those are the fruits and priveledges of marriage. Marriage is a divinely blessed and covenantally sealed procreative partnership. It is a covenant committment that a man and a woman make together in front of God. And the procreating has everything to do with being refined toward holiness.
With all the confusion about what marriage is for, it's possible that unanswered prayers for spouses have more to do with unrealistic expectations than God's power to supply mates... Asking God to help us find a mate is asking Him to take us from a place of single focus to one that will require selflessness. Far from being the answer to all our dreams and fantasies, marriage will be a crucible for making us more like Christ. It was set up that way from the beginning. This is what makes marriage, as God intended it to be, so worthy of our desire. God designed us for relational intimacy — when Adam didn't find a "suitable helper" among the animals, God created Eve. Marriage is a gift from His hand.
Let's face it, we have many desires, and long for physical intimacy, but just as it's unwise to give in to our every whim and desire, it's equally unhealthy to simply stuff them. Rather than asking God to remove our sex drive, our desires for instant gratification and the like, we should pray that He would show us why He's wired our body for sex. Prayerfully ask Him to help us live toward fulfilling our sexual desires in a way that honors Him and brings Him glory. Let Him refine our desires, both in the waiting and should He allow, in getting married for His glory.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Answered Prayers and Compassion
In the mean time, I read this post from Angie blog, Bring the Rain and it really touched my heart (even the the digs at Pete (Pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville) made me smile!)....She is on a mission trip with Compassion in India and I do not yet sponsor a child, but I am praying about it and cam strongly considering do so. Anyway, I encourage you to read the post (and the others) , it brought tears to my eyes! Pete is posting too from India, and so is Shaun Groves and Melissa from Living Proof. Great Stuff! Also Keely is their photographer...and takes amazing photos...check them out too!
God Bless!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Empty Me
Check this out...I needed it too...
Friday, April 3, 2009
I am only on chapter two, but this section really hit me - keep in mind that this book is written from alot of research done with 17-30 year olds and what their perception on Christianity is...the term outsiders is used for people who are not or do not consider themselves followers of Christ.
How common are these perceptions? It is one thing to encounter a person on the street who says audacious, brash things about Christianity, but quite another if these perceptions broadly define the Christian faith among young people. In our national surveys we found the three most common perceptions of present-day Christianity are anti-homosexual (an image held by 91 percent of young outsiders), judgmental (87%), and hypocritical (85%). These "big three" are followed by the following negative perceptions, embraced by a majority of young adults: old-fashioned, too involved in politics, out of touch with reality, insensitive to others, boring, not accepting of other faiths, and confusing. When they think of the Christian faith, these are the images that come to mind. This is what a new generation really thinks about Christianity.
Obviously the book does not end there...but this is where I have stopped for now. Isn't that far enough? These people are the future of our country...and they see us judgmental and hypocritical as a whole....shouldn't we as the body of Christ be working towards changing the focus back to Jesus, and showing these "outsiders" the LOVE of Christ, after all, isn't the United States a Christian Nation?? We like to say that "we are all human, we all make mistakes, we all do things we regret...etc..." Well, I am starting to think that well, that just isn't good enough. We are called to be DIFFERENT, we are CALLED to STAND OUT, an not conform to this world and be passive...I think it is time we start living that and showing that to any an all we encounter each and every day. We need to dispel of this negative image and we need to start now.
My two cents...
I encourage you to get the book...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I'm still here...I promise
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
All I'm Asking...
Take, me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm askingWelcome to this heart of mine
I've buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I've made
Inside of me
Come decorate, Lord
Open up the creaking door
And walk upon the dusty floor
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remain
Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricadedChorus:
Come inside this heart of mine
It's not my own
Make it home
Come and take this heart and make it
All Your own
Welcome homeTake a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet's filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I'm overwhelmed, I understand
I can't make this place all that You canrepeat chorus
I took the space that You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and still You knockedrepeat chorus
Take me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Welcome to my new Home!
Well, I think (I hope) that Mac is going to be OK, he seems to be a little more stable today. I do think that there is a little problem with him wanting to go to sleep, but we shall see. Mac's friend Punkin advised him to stay on a flat solid surface, and we are trying that.
Other things are going on, but I just have too much rattling around in my noggin to again put down a cohesive post. I do go back to the Endocrinologist and Rheumatologist tomorrow. I will let you know what comes of that. I still have the rash and for the past few days it has felt like it is on fire and it's driving me crazy nuts! I really pray they can do something.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mac is Sick?
I am a little bit depressed today because my MacBook won’t turn on. Oh it did turn on, and kept rebooting like 10 or fifty times and now just won’t turn on at all. And I am praying that it is something so simple that will take to fix it, because I have a whole list of things that are a NEED that I need to do, like, say… get my clutch fixed on my lovely car and even though I LOVE my Mac, (and creating huge run-on sentences)…paying for repair of it is not necessarily a need since I do have a backup of sorts…I’m guessing…
But hey, I did really like this great post on Red Letter Believers blog.
That’s all I got today…
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Does Anybody Read This?
Does anybody care? Ok, I know I a just whining. I really have not been in the right frame of mind or thought lately to pull together a decent readable post. But I felt I needed to put something up. So I am not sure if I mentioned this already, but in my small group Bible Study on Thursdays we are going thru Financial Peace University . This week is our third week. I still haven’t completely finished the homework from the first week. Or the second week. And last week, when I confessed to not having done my homework, when we were “reviewing”, Ric, the leader, kept asking me all the review questions. Uhmm, thanks Ric! Nah, its OK. I still like him. So I have today, tonight and tomorrow to get it all done. It’s really not that much. On top of that, I have got to get up off my lazy rear and start going to the gym. I have to put in some time on the dreadmill. Yes, I said dreadmill. I think if I am going to have all this Financial Peace, my body could play along.
There is still alot going on that I want to write about. I just can’t yet. OK, well, I must get to work, or at least pretend.
Love you ~ one person who reads my blog…
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I'm A Mac~!
Guess what? I converted! To a Mac! I love it. Here it is:
I love it. I really do. I love everything about it! I wonder now why I never switched before, or why there are even PCs at all. Ever since the first time I turned the power on, it is like my Mac anticpates my every need. Installing programs is flawless, I put a CD or DVD in the drive, and it KNOWS instinctively what to do. I don’t have to pick and choose, my Mac KNOWS! It even has this cool little application called Photo Booth, and you can take photos like this:
Anyway, I am utterly beyond pleased with my new Macbook, the only thing I have not got used to is that I can’t right click…but i think I can if I get a mouse. So…if you are contemplating a switch, you have my recommendation, but don’t just take my word for it head on down to your local Apple Store and check one out for yourself…right now…go…they will let you play with one as long as you like!! Have fun!! And for entertainment value check this out:
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Super Bowl Sunday~!
Go Cardinals!!!!
Updated to add: Hayley (my daughter) actually thought that church was canceled today because of the Super Bowl…I was like…uhm, yeah…they cancel services for a football game! Geez…how can I have a child who knows so little about football…and church protocol???
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Random Thoughts
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Undecided Themes
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Oath ~ Take 2??
Yes, in what is being called an “abundance of caution”, Chief Justice Roberts has re-administered the Oath to President Obama, in a second attempt to “get it right”. And this time he did not have a Bible or even Lincoln’s Bible, but it is apparently still OK and legally binding. Hmmm…well here is a photo to document the occasion. Ughhh….
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Historical Inaguration!
I had to post about this very historical day, even though I didn’t really want to, but I couldn’t let it pass without doing so. I was home today and was able to watch the Inauguration and several of the other events. It seems this is a special day for the whole world, and I won’t get into it today, but if you want to know my thoughts go
here. Even though I did not vote for Barack Obama, I will support the President and his cabinet in prayer!
God Bless America!!
Those Boys Are Just Too Much!
Yes…Yes they should…my dad was…look:
My daddy showing me how to brush my Farrah dollhead's hair. He even cut it for me (He was a hairdresser), and showed me how to french braid it...I love my daddy.Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday Night TV Viewing Dilemma
I am torn. There are four shows that I love to watch all pretty much at the same time. First I have my new most favorite, The Big Bang Theory on CBS at 8PM, this show is hilarious to say the least, if you have not seen it, I totally recommend that you do. Then on ABC we have The Bachelor also at 8PM. You would think, what is your problem, just record one and watch the other. Well, that would be all well and good, except…then we have House and 24 both on FOX, starting at 8PM…what am I ever going to do?? How do I decide?
To top it all off, I have been having major problems with my cable set top box. First, the DVR quit working, so I took it to the “Cable Store” and exchanged it…easy peasy..right? Wrong. Hooked it up, and not only would the DVR not work, there was no sound. This time I called TW and went through technical support, which yielded another :we will either have to schedule a technician to come out or you can go back to the store and exchange the box. So I opted to exchange the box, I mean let’s be serious…American Idol Premiere was coming on that night, and I wasn’t going to miss it. So I got back home and hooked it up and this time the only thing that wasn’t working was the guide. But I could go to TVguide.com. So we were set for now, I would worry about the guide later. Mind you I did this all while sporting a nasty nasty sinus infection/cold-hell-like symptoms, and after sitting at Urgent Care for hours. But I would watch American Idol dangit! And watch it I did. So Saturday, still sick as a dawg, I trudged back to the cable store to exchange it yet again. They happily did so. I get it home, and it won’t even power on!!! NOT kidding. So I took it back, and they said that they would exchange it, but that they want to send a technician out to check to make sure everything is OK, and asked “when will someone be home on Wednesday?” I was like, “well, I will but not till after 6pm”…to which she gave me a dirty look. So the “repairman” is coming out on Saturday between 10 and 12. On the new box, the guide and pay-per-view doesn’t work. The DVR works, but you have to be on the channel to record, you can switch channels, but you cannot pre-set any recordings. Bummer.
So back to my dilemma. What do I record? Do I just forget about the 30 minute wonder that is Big Bang? Or do I sacrifice my Bachelor or House for that half an hour? Which means I would have to be remembering to switch channels and everything. I think it’s too much for my brain at this moment. My head is still foggy from being so sick, and my head is still hurting. I think Big Bang will have to wait, they will show re-runs…right??
I am planning on blogging about American Idol…but when it gets to real competition. Right now I am liking “Anoop Dawg”, Asa - the Band Director, and the guy whose wife had just passed away, and the girl that went on last. I am really liking the new dynamics of the judges. Keep watching, I am sure Ryan will top this:
Ryan - High-fiveing the blind contestant… nuff said...
Pet Peeves and Nicknames
Pet Peeves...Face it, we all have one or two hundred fifty-seven. They are the things that others do that bug us, or just plain gets under our skin! I have a few, but it seems that I can never remember what they are until they are right in my face, I am just that way I guess.
I have one for you, and it isn’t a huge one with me, but one that was “in my face” recently, and I have thinking on it recently. Nicknames. We have all had people call us by something other than our given name from time to time and I am sure that we also have called others by a nickname, even when they might not have been exactly endearing ones. Usually not a big deal, right? I have had my fair share of nicknames, and for those of you who know my last name, understand why! Most of the nicknames I can take with a grain of salt, and they don’t bother me. Usually because they were from someone I know and care about. But what I noticed is, that whenever someone I am not close to, or do not at least have some type of established relationship with, calls me something other than my name, it kinda bothers me! And I am thinking…who are they to call me that, they aren’t supposed to do that!!
I’ll admit that I have special names for some sisters and brothers and Christ, but it took time. It took building a relationship first. Then in time, comfort and depth were established…the name flowed naturally…either out of something that they said or did that was funny, and it just stuck, or it was something they had been called all their lives, but even so, I go back to the given name in important moments.
So you might wonder where I am going with this whole nickname pet peeve business. Well, have you ever wondered why your real name is important? Well let me tell you…That is what the Lord whispers to your heart in the moments you are quiet enough to hear Him. I’m cool with being called, TR Cheek, TC, T, Teeny Weeny, Cheeks…etc, I have even been called Tammy (by a well meaning customer)…but when you REALLY want to get my attention…look me in the eye and call me Tina.
Prayers from the heart can be so incredible…
Master, Savior, Lamb of God, Prince of Peace, Alpha and Omega, Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Son of God, Jehovah, Yeshua, Son of Man, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Bright and Morning Star, Emmanuel, Light of the World, Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Ancient of Days…
This list goes on and on and each name that flows from your heart reveals intimacy, but eventually, it always come back to the name…
Kings and Kingdom’s will all pass away…but there’s something about that name.
~Happy Birthday Trina!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Enhanced Lost?
I am really looking forward to all of the returning shows beginning this month: 24, American Idol, LOST among them. Tonight is the “enhanced” version of the season finale from last season, I guess need to watch it, to get my mind focused for the premiere! 24 is GREAT…I am so happy that it has returned, and it is better than ever. American Idol is back…and despite all the buzz about it not being the same as last year, I thought it was great, Kara is a fabulous addition!! And Ryan trying to high five a blind guy…that was priceless!! I think I will blog about American Idol this year.
There is a lot going on in and around my life and I have so many things I want to write about that I am having a difficult time sorting through all of the thoughts and events in effort to write down a cohesive blog post. Besides that, I have been feeling cruddy the past few days, so that really has not helped any whatsoever, my mind is mud! So I didn’t go to work today again, and decided that I was going to create a list of things I wanted to write about as a starting point. So that is where I am right now. The list.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mosaic Monday!
This weeks Mosaic is about YOU. Here is a list of what you need to find to make yours:
#1 (the center): A photo of YOU. Unedited, or fooled-around with. Cartoonish, if you wish. Just as long as it’s YOUR beautiful mug!
#2: MUSIC An album cover, a photo of your favorite singer, group, etc.
#3: FOOD A symbol for your favorite restaurant, a photo of your favorite food, etc.
#4: READING A book/magazine cover, photo of favorite author, etc.
#5: TRAVEL Someplace you’ve been, or where you long to go..
#6: MOVIE Scene from a favorite flick, photo of a favorite actor/actress, etc.
#7: HOBBY Show us what you love to do in your free time
#8: COLOR Get creative with this one
#9: CLOTHING What are you most comfortable in, or what makes you feel like a million bucks?
#10: GOTTA HAVE IT What’s the one item that you always carry with you, wherever you go?
#11: WEBSITE Favorite site to read, shop,browse etc.
#12: TELEVISION A current favorite, or maybe one you miss from childhood, or guilty pleasure
#13: FREE SQUARE Use square #13 to tell us one more thing about yourself..make it interesting!
So, here are the instructions:
So…without further adieu…here is mine:
1. Me…this was me just playing around with my camera…I do that on occassion!!!
2. Jeremy Camp…he is my FAVORITE Christian Artist, actually my favorite of all music I like…he is awesome!!!
3. I think this one pretty much speaks for itself!
4. Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, is a MUST READ…seriously!!
5. This is a beautiful photo of Carmel, CA….I have not been there, but I want to really bad
6. The Ultimate Gift, is a wonderful movie that is worth watching. I have seen it many many times, and will see it many more!!!!
7. My favorite thing to do is to read, the Bible, books, blogs…etc…
8. Red…my favorite color…and isn’t this photo beautiful?? It’s a gerber daisy.
9. My favorite shoes, they are SO unbelievabley comfortable…try them…you won’t want to take them off!
10. My BlackBerry… Must. Have. It.
11. This is the one website I usually spend the most time on during the day, keeping up with friends, sharing thoughts, photos and more…i
12. This is a photo that actually says alot about me. It is the flag of the place of my birth, TEXAS, and it’s state flower. It will always be “home” to me…and the flower, I remember we used to go and take photos in the bluebonnets. They are everywhere in the spring in Texas…
Let’s see yours…if you don’t have a blog…do you’re mosaic anyway and send it to me, and Iwill post it right here!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2008 ~ A Quick Review!
I know it’s been a while since I updated, but I have been so busy!! I hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Holidays. I thought I would start my first post of 2009 with a meme, and my first one to boot!!! I who knows, I might make a tradition! I think I have to now! Well, here goes ~
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Well, I am sure I did a few things that I have never done before, but the one thing is that I went sailing for the first time. On the ocean and everything. ;-)) It was so much fun. I would love to do it all the time, but some of us have day jobs. I also went to American Idol, which was a total blast, especially if you like to stand on your feet for 8 hours straight…yeah…I am not kidding. Good Times!! And I started this blog!!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don’t usually make them, so that way when I don’t do them, I am not letting myself down. Haha.. But I am going to start going to the gym more…tomorrow…
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Well, my very good friend Deborah had a baby…so yeah.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, a very dear and close friend of our family suddenly passed away just before Christmas.
5. What countries did you visit?
I stayed right here in the good ol’ US of A
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
An even closer relationship with my Lord and Savior, more money/ less debt, give more love than I receive, to watch my daughter mature and grow in the Lord
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
hmmmm, I don’t really know, I cannot think of any particular or specific date, my birthday was interesting to say the least, but I would remember that day anyway.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Actually going to church every week..ok …MOST every week
9. What was your biggest failure?
hmmm, well, I really can’t answer that question, I have had a pretty good year, nothing major happened (Praise God!)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nope, still trying to figure all that out, something is up and until I know what it is, I guess I can’t say it’s an illness.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
hmmmm…I didn’t really buy much this year, other than things I needed.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Wow, I have no clue.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
There is a certain persons behavior that I could have done without, but it didn’t depress me
14. Where did most of your money go?
Heck if I know…bills I guess…but I know it’s gone…lol
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I got pretty darned excited about going to American Idol, going sailing, going to Texas for the Holidays
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
I am really not one of those people whom apply song lyrics to my life, there are songs that I love, however, Slow Fade really touched my heart this year
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier.
b) thinner or fatter? The same
c) richer or poorer? Richer in spirit and poorer in the bank
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
20. How did you spend Christmas?
In Texas with my family and some friends
21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
No, but I did let go…and give it to God!!!!
22. What was your favorite TV program?
I have a few: American Idol, House, LOST, 24 (yay it’s back), and my new most favorite is The Big Bang Theory – HI – LAR – I – OUS!!!!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No, hate is a horrible emotion, and a waste of time and energy.
24. What was the best book you read?
Hmm, besides the Bible, I would say, Crazy Love, and even though I was against it at first, I got sucked in to the Twilight frenzy…and I have to say that what I have read thus far is not that bad, although I am not a huge fan of her writing style.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Austin’s Bridge, Toby Mac (who I knew of , I just didn’t listen until now), Travis Cottrell
27. What did you want and not get?
Loads of things, but I am really not very materialistic, but I would love to have a kitchen full of Pampered Chef “stuff” and new silverware and new furniture, new car too…;-))
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Wow…there were several good films this year, here are a few that I enjoyed: Fireproof, The Dark Knight, WALL-E, Valkyrie, Iron Man, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Body of Lies, Mamma Mia.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
This was my 40th birthday, and I went to San Diego and had dinner with Pete and other than him making me wait for over an hour and thus draining the battery in my car, I surprisingly had an enjoyable time, and then we went to see Dark Knight.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Living more in the Spirit and to not have to live check to check , like that will ever happen, hey, a girl can dream.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Personal fashion concept? Do you even know me? Haha…I’m a casual dresser unless necessary to dress otherwise….so, whatever is comfy. I love my UGGS.
32. What kept you sane?
Knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
As always, Matthew McConnaughey
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
The Presidential Race, Global Warming…because it is a myth, a scam…bunch of balonie
35. Who did you miss?
All my friends and family in Texas, and Pete...yeah, I admit it!
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Lynda Kachic, and more recently, my new friend Michelle seems totally awesome too!!!!
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
My time and attention are the greatest gifts I can give my daughter
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you’re thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking
Casting Crowns - Slow Fade
~Love ya!