~ I have seen the movie Grease a bizillion times, and still love it.
~ My mom named me Tina, because in the baby name book the hospital provided her (I was three months early and she hadn’t picked out a name yet), Tina meant “little one”.
~ Tonight I am going to see Get Smart with my daughter, even though she has NO idea what its all about, she has been excited to see it since the previews came out months ago!
~ I get sad when nobody remembers my birthday. Ok…who doesn’t…really….but still
~ On 9/11, I was driving to work listening to the radio at what had happened and what was going on – when I arrived at work, I quickly realized that nobody knew what had happened in NYC. I started telling everyone and we turned the TV set on in the conference room, and all sat and watched…about that time, the 2nd plane hit…we didn’t move for 3 hours, until we decided to call it a day and go home to our families. I also called my boyfriend, who was in Canada at the time, unaware as to what was going on, because he was in a conference ~ he didn’t believe me!!! He told me I was crazy and exaggerating, and told me I had to be mistaken…I was soooo mad!!!!!
~ I buy all the vitamins and calcium and stuff I should be taking, yet they are mostly still sitting on my kitchen counter…unopened…and well, probably expired…
~ I really do want to get married.
~ I was in the “first” drill team my high school ever had…we were called the Golden Debs and well, we weren’t that good, but it was so much fun! Haha!
~ My wrists circumference is exactly 4 ¾ inches
~ I really would love to jog or run to get in shape, however, those of you who know me – know that I might injure myself…LOL…(update: Joined the gym…woohooo)
~ I believe in Chiropractic..yet rarely go